Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gm Commands


GM Commands - For characters with a GM Level of 1 or 2.

!ap [number] - Sets [number] as ap.
!ban [user] - Ban [user].
!buffme - Gives you a variety of buffs.
!chattype - Switches your GM white chat to black, or vice-versa.
!cleardrops - Clears all drops on the map.
!dc [user] - Disconnects [user].
!exprate [num] - Sets exp rate as [num].
!fakechar [num] - Creates a clone of you [num] times.
!fame [user] [number] - Sets [user]'s fame to [number].
!giftnx [user] [amount] - Gifts [user] [amount] nx.
!gmshop - Opens the GM Shop.
!heal - Heals you to full hp.
!id [name] - Searches IDs with keyword [name].
!item [id] [amount] - Gains item with id [id] and amount [amount].
!job [jobid] - Changes your job to [job].
!jobperson [person] [jobid] - Gives [person] job with jobid [jobid].
!kill [user] - Kills [user].
!killall - Kill all monsters in the map.
!level [number] - Sets [number] as level.
!levelperson [user] [level] - Set's [user] to level [level].
!levelpro [level] - Levels you up until you're level [level].
!levelup - Levels you up.
!maxskills - Maxes all skills.
!maxstats - Maxes stats.
!mesoperson [user] [mesos] - Gives [user] [mesos] mesos.
!mesorate [num] - Sets meso rate as [num].
!mesos [number] - Gives you [number] mesos.
!notice [message] - Sends a messsage [message] to the whole server.
!nx - Spawns 10 NX Slimes.
!online - Shows how many people are online.
!pap - Spawns Papulatus.
!pianus - Spawns Pianus.
!pos - Shows your position and map id of your map.
!search [type] [thing] - Search for [thing].
!servermessage [message] - Changes the world message to [message].
!setall [number] - Sets Str!Dex!Int!Luk as [number].
!sp [number] - Sets [number] as sp.
!spawn [mob] [amount] - Spawns [amount] of monster [mob].
!unban [userid] - Unbans [user]'s IP and account.
!warp [map id] - Warps you to [map id].
!warphere [ign] - warps [ign] to your map.
!warpmap [map id] - warps everyone on your map to the given map id.

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